On the Way to Rohtang, Himachal PradeshWhen it comes to tasting the freedom of the roads I have always preferred bikes to cars. The thrill of an adventurous ride on bikes is incomparable to any other. Last April was my first encounter with snow in the high hills of Manali & beyond. It was a bike ride that we chose over other forms of transport because we wanted to stay in control of our stops and also understand how the mountains treat the two wheeled machines. The Bullet is the king of the mountains but I've always preferred the Yamaha RX 100 & 135 over it for its easy maneuverability and most of all the sharp rattling sound that gets your adrenaline rushing.
Bikes are easily available for hire in the high hills as well as in the coastal areas of India for reasonable rates on a per day basis.
This photograph was taken at just about 4 km before Rohtang. In April the snows had just started thawing and the road to Rohtang had still not been opened for regular tourist traffic. The last point was a place called Beas Nullah where the tourists enjoyed their share of skiing & paragliding. We, however decided that we had to go beyond and see how far our Yamaha could take us. As we left civilization behind we felt a strange kind of euphoria that is difficult to express in words. We were screaming at the top of our lungs and could hear the echoes that traveled back to us from the icy cold peaks.
This was freedom. I did not want to go back to what regular city life & society had to offer me. I guess I understood at that point why all the sages & hermits came to the Himalayas for their penance & seeking enlightenment. If I ever am able to break free from the bondages and obligations of life as it is you would find me somewhere high up here....Where I belong.
We spent around an hour at this point, beyond which the road was too dangerous for us to continue. As the clouds rushed in and the weather changed we decided that we had to come back downhill and be a part of humanity once again. We faced no problems coming down but once we reached Beas Nullah we realized that the Hub of the motorcycle's chain had broken and we had survived a major disaster. Somehow we managed to reach Manali after a lot of pushes and run, jump & sit exercises. Yet it was a trip I shall remember for all my life. My first encounter with snow on an RX 100.
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